
Small living room
4 min readApr 15, 2020




Have you ever asked people like “can you repeat again” or “can you say it again” while doing conversation?


"If you just told them “I’m sorry, I didn’t understand what did you said. They may be very frustrated. They may not want to repeat what they said. "

而我自己在服務業工作的經驗是,面對大部分客人,很多時候,通常請對方重覆第二次,客人就不會想繼續與你對話;面對同事,我還記得自己是新人時,常面露出不懂對方說什麼表情,如果碰上耐心不足的人,不管英語是他的第一語言還是第二語言,都有可能遇上直接忽略你的問題,跳過你,跟下一個人問話的情境,完全沒有要花時間跟你解釋是常有的事;也有遇到過同事,不想重覆他說的句子,直接拿google translate,打上英文字翻成中文,要你看懂他在說什麼。其實這些都反映出,面對無法順利對話時人類有的情緒:沮喪、失去耐心、有壓力,聽了Jeremy的節目後,才知道這些情緒不只是發生在正在學語言的人身上,也發生在聽者身上。

曾看過史嘉琳教授的影片,她曾說〝你學語言不要只想到自己,你要想到對方的感受…〞〝設立目標不是為了英文考試,你是為了想要舒服、愉快的和人溝通…〞,Jeremy的節目上提到〝Forming relationships through conversation require a balance of effort on both sides. Asking someone to slow down their speech or repeat what they already said disrupts that balance.〞他們都是希望第二語言學習者也能主動營造順利溝通的環境。

Jeremy提到這類問句〝Why is that?〞〝 Is that a good thing?〞〝 Mmm…I didn’t know that 〞…都是很好讓對話順利進行的方式之一。

我自己經驗是,不要想要完整的聽出每一字句的意思,聽出對方關鍵表達的意思,適時給出回應,假設你知道對方開始描述說她去旅行的經歷,〝Sounds really good for you 〞〝how was the travell〞〝how about what’s the weather like〞類似這類相關回應,聽起來不是重點,但卻反映出Jeremy說的blance conversations的意義,也就是參與在這對話中的你,是有在聽對方說話並回應,而對方不需要為了顧慮你聽不懂而感到與你對話會有壓力。

"So instead of asking them to slow down or repeat what they said show the other person that you are participating in the conversation and they hide the fact that you didn’t understand what the other person said. Hiding this fact will help them to relax and speak more naturally to you."
〝If you are really stuck you can ask simple questions or a question of the meaning of the word.〞
〝What does XXX mean?〞Let them repeat themselves without feeling annoyed or stressed.


